Sun Prairie Utilities

Sun Prairie Utilities


Public Utlilities

About Us

Serving the community since 1910, Sun Prairie Utilities (SPU) is a not-for-profit, locally-owned municipal electric and water utility that provides safe, reliable, and cost-competitive services to approximately 34,900 residents and businesses, mostly within the city limits of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Local representation and control allow all citizens to have a voice in how our utility can best meet the community’s needs. As a co-owner of WPPI Energy, a nonprofit, Sun Prairie-based power company, we purchase cost-competitive electricity for our community and take advantage of the latest technologies to better serve our customers.


SPU Staff
SPU Staff
SPU Staff
Our staff volunteers in the community we serve
Our staff volunteers in the community we serve
Our staff volunteers in the community we serve
Corn Fest Parade fun!
Corn Fest Parade fun!
Corn Fest Parade fun!
Lineman changing a cross arm
Lineman changing a cross arm
Lineman changing a cross arm
Working in all kinds of weather
Working in all kinds of weather
Working in all kinds of weather
Lineman heading to assist another community. Mutual Aid is Public Power priority!
Lineman heading to assist another community. Mutual Aid is Public Power priority!
Lineman heading to assist another community. Mutual Aid is Public Power priority!
Water Main break neing repaired
Water Main break neing repaired
Reality Rocks at the High School
Reality Rocks at the High School
Water Crew maintains the water infrastructure in the City
Water Crew maintains the water infrastructure in the City

Rep/Contact Info

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Lori Ewoldt